It is relationships again.
My observation of how frail they are, and how less it seems to matter to
one till we come to the brink of a dangerous
precipice where we are almost on the brink of slipping.
Why do we do this all the time I wonder? Is it because we have the supreme confidence
that we are bound by a label we give to its existence, and hence become
complacent? Instead of treating it like
a plant of a rare variety, which we tend to with a lot of attention, and
nurturing, we tend to treat it like a bush of country rose, which grows
untended, but still gives us lovely blooms.
Till the groundwater is depleted, or vital roots are cut away, and the
plant finally gives up, tired and gasping.
Sometimes, however, we also get a little fed up of the plant, and
would like to replace it. But I guess that happens only when it is barren,
there is nothing to resonate with, and it is an effort, just tending to
it. That is why, everything I guess is a
two way process, an energy exchange.
When you do not feel like taking a call, or making one to
someone, when the person is not automatically in your thoughts when you feel
like sharing, when a conversation with someone is stilted and it is an effort
to carry on, I guess you can safely conclude there is something amiss. Either you have grown apart, or there is
simply a dead end; then you either
redefine the relationship, or simply end it there. Rather that I guess, than go through the
motions of pretenses, which only serves to strain both you and the relationship
I resort to redefining.
Simply because sometimes the frequency mismatch is so huge that even
talking about it to the person may not help.
I mean, that is the problem in the first place!
So if we are all clear that a lot of
relationships, with labels and sanctions or otherwise, are need-based, I guess
we can avoid a lot of hurts and recriminations.