In the good old days, vacations meant visiting your place of origin, reconnecting with your roots, and reliving your childhood days. We carried back these memories as food for the soul, and also left behind for the hosts, fond memories. It used to be also an opportunity to reestablish and strengthen bonds. Life was so much less complicated then!
Today, I dread it literally, when I have people coming over. Not because I am antisocial. Not because I do not want to entertain. In fact, it is the exact opposite! I love having people over, the house is full of fun and laughter. No, I dread it because, I feel I am running a service apartment facility, and I for sure am not!! Visits have become so purposeful, and so motive-oriented, that it is very business-like, with only the commercial tag missing... And thank goodness for that! The "boarding and lodging facility" feeling comes, when the so-called near and dear ones do not behave like near and dear ones, but like visitors. There is a certain awkwardness, no openness in communication, issues are brushed over, and good-byes are said in a hurry, because the spirit of bonding has been missing. I almost feeling like purifying the air after such people leave, the energy is so dense!
Of course, I have been told, you do your bit, you don't worry about how others react, at least be thankful they do come to see you ... Sure, I will. Because you see, when I make my visits, I have had only one purpose: to visit. My visits have no secondary agenda, and even if it does have, once in a way, it is balanced by the no-purpose visit...
Just to meet, just to bond, just to reconnect. And who am I to impose behavior patterns on others? Even if they are near and near ones, right? So I should stop feeling bad...
But this is how things turn acrid, they fade out, and slowly you start living a life for yourself, on your own terms. This is how your thinking patterns are overwritten, files are deleted from your system, you have telephone numbers you never want to call. And this is how you decide life is: autumn, red leaves slowly falling away from the tree. The new leaves do appear, the tree does rejuvenate, but if you look closely at the trunk and the branches, it appears old and gnarled. So I console myself saying, it is the law of nature.
Older relationships do move on, and if you continue nourishing the tree, it will sustain the new leaves, allow them to bloom.
So the Service apartment facility continues to remain open! To near and dear ones, of course!