Have you ever visited the past and felt you had travelled into the future leaving a bit of you behind, and then rediscovered yourself? It is an awesome experience, like finding a bit of a lost puzzle of a jigsaw. There is a sudden click, an "aha" moment, and suddenly you feel you had been searching for something you had misplaced in a wrong bag!
I visited Pune after 15 years... I had extremely fond memories of the place. I had been at my best I think then, living life to the fullest, taking healing classes, taking care of my family, learning new skills like Bonsai, making new friends, exploring new avenues. Somewhere along the line, when I moved out of the place, I think I left a bit of myself there, which I never realized. It was like I had packed everything, but left the baggage behind. And strangely, never missed the lost bag either. Maybe because I was so busy existing, I forgot to live. And I did not realize what I had lost, till I went back and found it. And what a find it was! I felt complete and whole again. Reconnected with parts of myself, reestablished old connections, and felt totally enveloped by the warmth of the
love I thought had been lost.
I did feel sad to see huge transformations too, like the old building I had been living in was razed to the ground, the shop I used to frequent for my groceries was no longer there...but that was reinforcing the fact that some things do change, and that it was not utopia, what I rediscovered. A paradoxical reinforcement I guess. I came back to see myself undergoing a slow transformation, picking up pieces of fragmented parts of me, and looking at myself in the mirror and seeing the birth of a new me! How I love this new discovery!
I visited Pune after 15 years... I had extremely fond memories of the place. I had been at my best I think then, living life to the fullest, taking healing classes, taking care of my family, learning new skills like Bonsai, making new friends, exploring new avenues. Somewhere along the line, when I moved out of the place, I think I left a bit of myself there, which I never realized. It was like I had packed everything, but left the baggage behind. And strangely, never missed the lost bag either. Maybe because I was so busy existing, I forgot to live. And I did not realize what I had lost, till I went back and found it. And what a find it was! I felt complete and whole again. Reconnected with parts of myself, reestablished old connections, and felt totally enveloped by the warmth of the
love I thought had been lost.
I did feel sad to see huge transformations too, like the old building I had been living in was razed to the ground, the shop I used to frequent for my groceries was no longer there...but that was reinforcing the fact that some things do change, and that it was not utopia, what I rediscovered. A paradoxical reinforcement I guess. I came back to see myself undergoing a slow transformation, picking up pieces of fragmented parts of me, and looking at myself in the mirror and seeing the birth of a new me! How I love this new discovery!
Thats a lovely piece of writing. Filled with so much of nostalgia. It reinforces the belief ki kahin na kahin kabhi na kabhi we all can rediscover those missing pieces in our lives which makes us sit up and say oh yeah this is what was missing. Why didnt I think of it before.